I'm Back

What a summer. I promise that I was photographing this summer, although not as much as I had wanted to but I was kind of busy having an amazing time at my internship. I worked over the summer with a fashion director and creative director doing everything from working in the fashion closet at Health magazine to photographing food for a blog to attending crazy events that can only be found in New York City. It was a whirlwind of crazyness but I am back at school for a few months to finish up and graduate so I figured I would share a little of what i did over the summer. (my roommate Miriam also iterned in New York and we lived together / were together 24/7 so she is going to pop up a lot)

These photos are from our first day of work, after work we decided we would go explore Times Square on a Monday evening. I think we thought it would be a little dead.... no not even on a Monday evening in May is Times Square scarce. It was a bit of a celebrity moment for me because my favorite graffiti artist was working on an installation in New York and we were actually there while they were pasting. His name is JR and his usual medium is pasting up photos. This was from a project called the inside out project that's traveling the world right now (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inside_Out_Project ). We weren't able to meet JR since it was getting close to midnight and being good little interns we had to get home but we met some of his team and had fun chatting with them.
